Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New, Reduced-Guilt Year

As I sit, drinking my coffee and eating my toast, fingernails coated with this morning's glittery play-doh, mind racing about what I need to get done today, tomorrow, in the next ten years, and catching up on Facebook, I read something that resonated with me enough to put it to the top of my "I don't make goals" goals list. STOP FEELING SO GUILTY ALL THE TIME. It's a good one for me.

I'm one of those people who feels guilty about EVERYTHING. I stress over every bite I eat, every mile that I do or don't run, over.every.dollar. that I do or don't have or that I spend. And, oh, the Mother's Guilt. The god.damned.mother's.guilt - every choice, every word, every gift, every moment of discipline, every minute I spend away, every time one has a fit - the guilt. Oh, the guilt.

Guys. I've got a bad case of the guilt.

So, in conjunction with drinking less wine and more water, figuring out my financials, gracefully navigating my new and potentially crazy-making schedule, killing shitfuckers with kindness, and something gym-related that doesn't have to be gym-related, I add: "don't be so hard on yourself" to this long list.

I think I need a drink!

1 comment:

  1. My resolution was "FORGIVE YOURSELF," which I guess is kind of the same thing. Good to have a resolution that might make you feel better, not worse.
