Friday, May 13, 2011

If you have nothing nice to say...

In case you were wondering why I haven't written... that's why.  I just haven't had anything positive to add to the world of verbs.  I've been in a funk, like I said before... and it has been a pretty grumpy funk.  I'm still in that funk (I like saying that word... funk.  Funk.  Funkfunkfunkfunk.), but now I have more to say about it than I have in a while, I guess.  Maybe I'm processing.  I dunno.  Or moving forward?

More or less, it boils down to boredom.  I'm ready to do... something.  My baby is nearing a year old, which means that soon she'll be weaned.  Hopefully hubbs and I can go somewhere for a night or two to catch up on some alone time and, well... *blush*... you know... SLEEP.  I've been either pregnant or nursing since Christmas 07.  That's, like, almost three years I've had a little person attached to my body.  That is a beautiful thing, but it kinda means I've been tethered to my house for that long.  In fact, the only night away I spent from my almost three-year-old was when I delivered my almost one-year-old.  I am absolutely ready for some adult time where I can stay up past 10pm and, as I said... SLEEP - all night through, and in past 6am.  I really really REALLY love my kids, but I need a part of my life to not include their needs.

Boredom, to me, means that I need to have some fun, and find something for me that's just my own - a challenge, I suppose.  Thanks to Shannon, I decided that maybe a few goals would be a good way to proceed.  That way, I could see my goal and chart my progress.  My long term goal is another grad degree - that's decided.  I also need something tangible, a goal that I can reach soon and that helps me feel better and more alive.  So, I decided that I wanted to run the Chicago Half Marathon this year, September 11th.  I 2006, I attempted to train and run the Chicago FULL Marathon.  I all but broke my body doing so.  I seriously injured my right hip flexor, caused painful shin splints and was out of the race (or should have been) about half-way through the program.  The longest run I did was 16 miles.  You'd have thunk that someone who had to stop training half way through the summer would not try to run the marathon anyways.  You would think.  But, I did try.  I made it to mile 13 before I about collapsed.  I didn't run again for two years, and then only a little bit.  Now - I'm on a mission.  I failed once.  But, I've reset my goals so something more reasonable (at least to start) and I'm going to finish.  I. Will. Do. It.  It's going to be hard... but I need that hard something fierce.  To do something good for others while I do something good for myself, I decided to train with the Team to End AIDS and raise money for those living with HIV/AIDS in Chicago.  The money goes to practical needs, like housing and medical expenses. If you'd like to donate, click here

Now to figure out how to have some FUN.  I'm tired of the routine and only the routine.  It's making me grumpy.  Just ask my husband.  I don't want to resent my family for being my only realm, if that's the right word,  because I have to work work work and go to bed.  I want to enjoy  life outside of kids and the home, too.  Even if I don't leave the house, if you know what I mean.

What do you do for fun?  Help me round out my need wheel and find out something fun to do... suggestions!?

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