Saturday, December 29, 2012

Doing a Little Resuscitation

As I sit here, literally taking typing breaks to eat spoonfuls of Trader Joe's Mint Chocolate Chip Crack Ice Cream, I struggle to figure out what to write. It's been over a year since I posted last. In that year, a helluvalot has happened. I mean... obviously. 12+ months will do that to a person, ya know? But none of that's very interesting. My kids were cute and have gotten cuter, they have said some pretty funny shit - but I post all that stuff on Facebook so by the time it would get here EVERYONE would already know. I'm now a "Child Development Specialist" and am a child and family therapist, so, I could tell you what you're doing wrong and how much better you could be if you do what I say. But, I do that all day so that'd be tedious and "same ole same ole" for me, so, you know. (Yes, I'm joking). Let's see, what else? I cook, but I use recipes from other people's blogs, and I hear plagiarism is kind of a bad thing. I work out (boring), I have family (ok!!) including a new baby nephew (yaaay!!! and, awwww), and have some pre-tty amazing friends (whaddaup, yo's!) and they do some pretty amazing shiz. Like decorating my house (it's all about me!! So selfish - but so PRETTY.) I just can't get it together on what this blog should "be about". I dunno. I just dunno.

Now that the crack ice cream is safely back in the freezer, I've decided that I will not be writing a blog about ONE thing! No, no no no... I'm much too complex of a human being to allow myself to be pigeon-holed! Nope, so, in honor of my complexity, and my penchant for using "so" and "..." and random, clause-filled, nonsensical subject changes - I have decided that I will write about ALL of the things.

Stay tuned.

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