Monday, February 21, 2011

Green Thumb

Well, I don't so much think I have a green thumb - none of my plants have ever survived me - but I do have a red finger! YEOWCH!! I have this sore, swollen, and SORE (did I mention sore? Because, it's so sore) middle finger tip. I don't know what I did, but whatever I did it got infected. And, it hurts.

Another thing that hurts is hunger. And, all day today I was SO HUNGRY! I'm not sure that this plan is right for me. I am looking to lose the last 10 lbs of baby(s) weight before my youngest daughter's first birthday at the end of June. I'm nursing her still (about 4 times a day, give or take a time or so) so I assume I still need some extra calories to make milk. So when I stuff myself on veggies and fruits and nuts and whole grains all day and stay within my alloted 1480 calories and am STILL hungry, I think it's plain simple that I need more calories than I am "allowed". I don't believe in diets - I believe in good, wholesome nutrition... and when I make every choice count and I'm still wanting to gnaw off my fist, there's got to be a problem. *Sigh*...

Speaking of things that are problematic - this heart monitor is a bit wonky. It's connected to a cell phone which is, more or less, connected to my body... but the cell phone get's crappy coverage at my house. So the phone constantly vibrates telling me that coverage is terrible. Luckily both devices (the actual monitor and the cell phone that receives and then resends the data) collect and save a hefty amount of data, otherwise I'd have to wear this skin-irritating, itchy thing for months. No, thank you. I can't wait for the results, as I have had several "episodes" of maybe-palpitations that should have been recorded so I HAVE to have SOME kind of answer about all of this!

Another thing I can't wait for is my interview at Erikson (where I hope to pursue a Masters of Science in Child Development) on Wednesday! I'm starting to get nervous. Again, I should say - I'm starting to get nervous again. Please, pleasepleaseplease don't let us get another blizzard!! I want to turn this hope for some stimulation into intellectual action!!!

On the stimulation and action front - I went to the gym today for the first time since I was told to go see the cardiologist. I expect to be sore tomorrow, but I am SO glad I can actually move toward my modest goal of running 5K's. I ran, walked and lifted some weights. My muscles feel used in a very, very good way. I've fed them properly, hydrated the bajeezus out of them, and given them proper stimulation for the day. And, now they're tired.

Speaking of tired.... nighty night bloggerino! I gots nothing but love for ya, homie(s)!


  1. holy moly andrea! you need MORE than 1450 calories a day!! you might not be losing any of the weight because, with your nursing, you've probably put your body in a pseudo-starvation mode. SORRY don't mean to lecture, but eat more please:-)

  2. I did! I Will! I Am!! That few calories is NUTS!! In my defense, today was the first day I tried that craziness. I am going to focus on eliminating some needless bad choices (potato chips as snacks/half-of-coke's for lunch, etc) but otherwise I'm gunna eat!

  3. It is always crazy to me how eating more and exercising a ton = weight loss.
    Sorry about the stupid itchy monitor, but I am not too sorry as it keeps you safe :-)
    I am *trying* to do the couch to 5K thing, but alas, my body can't stay healthy enough long enough to not kill my lungs during a 30 minute run. Sigh. Why must they conspire against us????? ;-)
