Monday, February 7, 2011

Where to begin?

I signed up for this blog in November 2009. Would you believe that I've spent the last year and some change wondering how the heck to start a first post? It's totally true. I've thought to myself, "I've had a long life - where do I begin?" I wonder, do I jump right into where I am now? Do I start with a bit of history? Or, should I begin with a poem or a quote or an aimless musing or some deep philosophical query? Or, ... something? I dunno. I don't even know what a blog is supposed to be, but I have sternly decided that I'm not going to do any sort of Google search to find out.

Since it's tax season, I'll begin with some of the things I'd like to spend (or blow) some money on. First, and foremost, we're paying off our vet bill from December when our fat dog ate part of his frisbee and needed surgery to get it dislodged from his intestines. Damned dog. He's lucky he's so cute and that we love him dearly or he'd be glue right now. Then, I would like a bed (frame - I have the mattress). Specifically, I want this bed:

It's from Room and Board - the "Piper Stainless Steel Bed". It's beautiful.

After that we'd like to set aside one year's worth of annual fees (life insurance premiums, license plate renewals, city parking sticker, etc.) so that they don't hit us throughout the year, when no matter how well you save and plan a big bill is always a surprising pain in the ass. We'd also like to do a few small things around the house before heading into another big project - like FINISH some projects in progress: new doorknobs/doorstops throughout, window treatments for our bedroom (combined with the bed this would finish our room!) and the kitchen, and ELFA (the worlds BEST closet organization system) for the pantry and bathroom closet. Anywhoo, the "I want to buy" list could go on forever, but this will be the sample that I share with you, blog. You needn't know everything about me. It's only our first date.

Since I have kids who will undoubtedly rise and shine me at 5:00 am, I must sign off and hit the sack. So, goodnight blog! Sleep tight, blog.

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