Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh, to dream

The downside of eloping is not getting a honeymoon. The downside of having a child within the first year of said elopement was not getting a honeymoon. The downside of having a second child within two years of the first, and within three years of the marriage, is, yup, you guessed it, having nothing in my closet that's actually hip to wear after three years of being either pregnant or postpartum! Just kidding, it's not getting a honeymoon. In fact, the only full night I've spent away from either of my kids is when I was in the hospital having the second. To all who are thinking of having or expanding their families - I do NOT recommend this approach. It's kinda making me a little stir crazy.

I have very close family who travel extensively. I become greener and greener with envy with every trip I hear they are taking (up next for one group of family globe-trotters is, I think, Antwerp, Belgium and Spain), and green is not my color. Although I wear it more often than I care to admit. So, I've been "shopping" around and am coloring myself red with an imaginary sunburn from my imaginary honeymoon that I want to take with my very real, very hot husband. Some day.

Want to come? Let's shop around, shall we?!?!? Hyperlink's a-hoy!

Since everything pretty much stresses me out, and this place advertises that they can do all within their powers to make me not stress... I could see myself relaxing here for a week or two.

I don't think I would forgive myself for not considering Fiji, since it is gorgeous and romantic and magical. I'm not sure I could handle the travel it would take to get there (unless I pack the xanax!!) or the distance I'd be away from my kids, but this would be niiiiice otherwise.

I could probably stand it here for at least a few days weeks months.

I realize my honeymoon theme is rather beach-y. It's pretty cold this time of year in Chicago, so I can't help but dream of warmth and sunshine. But, who am I kidding, I would love an endless glass of frozen fruity drink and a pool overlooking the deep blue sea. It gives the illusion of being on the beach without finding sand in your every orifice. Sandy orifices are not very romantic and honeymoon like.

So, on another, more cultured note let's visit Europe. I've always wanted to go to Nice, France or the Greek Islands. I know they are still pretty island centered, but it's different. They're European destinations. Different, see? My husband would love to go to Russia, but Russia doesn't sound very warm right now. I'd have to buy a nice, new warm coat! There could be worse things, ya know. He's really into military history and political powerhouses, historically speaking and would really enjoy going somewhere he can explore that stuff. But, that's his fantasy. Since this is mine, and because it is a fantasy and I don't have to compromise, let's end on this note. Can't really do better than that, now, can ya? I feel relaxed and warm already (and, no, it's NOT the red wine talking, thank you very much). Sigh.

Oh well. Someday we'll have a fantastic honeymoon somewhere perfect. Perhaps we'll rent motorcycles and ride our way through the back roads of Italy, or perhaps we'll find some lovely B&B somewhere along the East coast of the United States and crack crabs and drink beer. Perhaps.

Of course, things could have been different. If we'd have had a "real" wedding, we could have had a honeymoon. But I would not trade a thousand honeymoons to have missed out on THIS kiss:


  1. Auw!!!!!!
    I so love that engagement picture. SO LOVING!
    Nice, FR this time of year would be nice :-D Yeah, a lovely french co-worker rubbed that in.... not *too* many years ago.
    I think you two should take an awesome honeymoon sometime. There is nothing like going somewhere by a beach and sitting and having a drink by the pool with excellent dinner plans already made and paid for.
    You should come up here and we should go out and have some fun :-)

  2. PS. I've been to the Fuiji airport. Yeah. Not FUIJI. Although the airport was tropic enough (while I was in midwestern winter-wear) to avoid air conditioning during 80 degree weather. AH, why was I so poor in college?

  3. YES! i am SO there! we haven't had a honeymoon either. our dream destination is bora bora. lofty, perhaps, but we're determined to go someday! our 5th wedding anniversary falls on a friday this year, so we're going away for the weekend. i am SO EXCITED! maybe you two could do something similar...? it's not enough time, but it's SOME time! thanks for taking me on your vacation dream journey! :-)
